Remodeling Trends for 2023 You’ll Want to Steal

We’ve peered into our crystal ball and have seen home design trends for 2023. And let us tell you, the future looks BRIGHT! …and nature-inspired, sustainable and multi-functional. Are you ready for some fresh changes to your home? Get a first look at a few of the trends that will shape home design and remodeling in 2023. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Wellness-Based Design

Our remodel decisions reflect both our aesthetics and how we want to live. Designing for wellness at home means creating spaces that are good for physical and mental health. As the focus on health has steadily risen in recent years, so has wellness design. This means incorporating holistic elements to enhance homeowners' lives, such as: monitoring air quality, installing water filters, using healthy, sustainable materials, creating a place for relaxation, etc.


The opposite of minimalism, maximalism is an aesthetic of excess. In 2023, we expect to see personalized spaces with bolder statement pieces, layered patterning, and a real sense of playfulness. You know what they say, “More is more!”

Bringing The Outdoors Inside

Sustainability never looked as good in your home. For 2023, materialism is out, and value-driven materials are in. Homeowners are bringing nature to every room through recycled materials and natural elements like reclaimed wood, plants and sunlight. One of the best benefits of living in our beautiful state is the inspiration you can draw from your outdoor adventures. Bring your favorite outdoor elements into your home by designing and remodeling your home around what brings you zen!

Multifunctional Rooms

If the post-COVID world has taught us anything, it’s that no matter how large your house is, you can never have enough space. Multipurpose rooms are a hot trend for 2023 and a great solution for homeowners looking to use their space effectively and efficiently. We understand this trend so well that we even wrote a blog about it. Check out, Setting Up Multifunctional Rooms for room combination ideas to help you live large, no matter your home’s square footage.

More Color

In 2023, we expect to see more pops of color, whether it's with wallpaper or a bold accent wall. If you're not ready to commit to high-impact walls, add color with accessories! Switch up your throw pillows or paint your island a different color than your kitchen cabinets. 

Check out our blog, How to Choose The Right Color Palette For Your Home, to familiarize yourself with color theory and help your house-painting journey. 

“Digital Lavender”

WGSN and the creators of the Coloro colour systems have jointly predicted that the Color of the Year for 2023 will be Coloro’s “Digital Lavender”, a purple hue representing wellness and digital escapism. We expect the shade to play a key role in design everywhere, from fashion to interior decorating. But we’ll see how it shakes out!

Home Spa-Oasis

The bathroom is undoubtedly among the most used spaces in any home. It should be a place you enjoy! 2023 is the year to take your home bathroom from blah to SPA. No matter your square footage, we can help you create a retreat right at home. Check out our previous blog, Hot Springs at Home, for inspiration.

Smart Homes

As technology advances each day exponentially, we’re seeing more homeowners incorporate “smart” devices to automate tasks and allow remote access. These hubs let you control your lighting, temperature, security and entertainment with your phone, and can be installed during a traditional remodel.

So which of these trends will you try in 2023? Remember that trends are motivators, but there’s no “right” way to remodel your space. It’s also an element of Maverick that sets up apart - we focus on what YOU want and need. We like to say, “Renew your life by renewing your home” - and we do just that! 

Whether you're converting an entire bathroom or repainting a single wall, Maverick’s experts can help you with all the planning, preparation and remodeling projects you need. Contact us today to get started: Call 303-978-0602 or click the button below.

Adam Berlin in Littleton, CO on Houzz