New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolution vs. Commitment

Most people look at the New Year as a time to reset and restart. For most, it’s a time to change their life for the better. Resolutions often include a new diet to lose weight, purchasing a gym membership also to lose weight, spending less time on social media, traveling and much more. While these are amazing resolutions, many people tend to drop their resolution within the first two months of the new year. Many failed resolutions are due to the fact that most people focus on the end goal instead of the journey. When the end goal isn’t met quickly, a person’s desire to continue dwindles. So, the question must be asked, is it better to make a New Years Resolution, or is it best to make a New Years Commitment where the journey is the focus?

Renew Your Year, Renew Your Home

The New Year brings about new beginnings for many people… a new gym membership, a new diet plan, the list goes on and on. But one thing most people may not think about when creating their New Year’s Resolutions is HOME MAINTENANCE. Our Maverick team wanted to share some tips and tricks for maintaining your home.

Adam Berlin in Littleton, CO on Houzz